Designing our Future

We started to implement this in 2021 by merging and selling existing companies, as well as by purchasing new companies. After all, the starting point of Designing our Future is that Vebego consists of eleven large companies in four core countries. Operating in cleaning, healthcare, landscaping, and facilities management.

Major steps were also taken in 2022 towards a more uniform way of functioning. This means that in the Netherlands, numerous companies that have merged will use the same ICT systems and processes. This is already also happening in Switzerland.

Transformation almost complete

The intensive transformation process has almost been completed in the past two years. Except for two companies, Vebego has finished creating the 11 large companies; legally, organisationally and ICT-wise. The Dutch healthcare business and facility services in Belgium are still on the cards. This was a transformation that has never taken place to this extent before in Vebego's 80-year existence.

What started it all

There was a major need to reorganise. Vebego worked inefficiently with more than 100 companies and according to too many different processes and procedures. This led to a lot of overhead costs and little recognition in the outside world. With the transformation, Vebego has created stronger companies, with new robust management teams and more clout. These teams have ample plans and can now implement the desired greater recognisability as a Vebego company in the market.

The five reasons to create large companies

This process is reinforced by Vebego's rebranding project, in which companies become more visible and recognisable to employees, clients and society, under one strong and visible brand.

The new MTs of the companies are very driven to implement this. For example, Vebego Groen has a strong model in which social impact meets green. The merger of hectas and Servico into Vebego Facility Services Deutschland is technically a great piece of work. Just like the merger of the nine Dutch cleaning companies into Vebego Cleaning Services Netherlands.

The transformation also means another role for the holding company. The holding company sets out the policy and creates the financial frameworks. After a number of years of large projects, we can now set up lean & mean so that it becomes the strategic architect we envision.

Clients and goals

Our keynote remains the same. We came out of the pandemic well and we are continuing on that foot. We were originally a cleaning company. This is still our largest activity across the countries.

Over time, products, expertise and services have been added. For segments or large clients in aviation, public transport, healthcare and industry. But also for things like landscaping, care and care services, personnel services, real estate expertise and technical maintenance. We offer service solutions to our clients, for example clean rooms and cleaning production sites. We also offer unique, specialised services, such as façade management and integrated facility management. In doing so, we always strive for healthy long-term relationships with clients.

We want to be leading and highly visible; to be a mental market leader. In order to be commercially successful. We also want to be recognisable in the labour market as an attractive employer that creates meaningful jobs and makes an impact on society.