Value creation is not just making more money

She lived in Kiel, Hamburg, Bremen and Texas. Has been working in various finance functions for banking, transport and logistics, and since February in facility services. With Sirka Hintze (1976), Vebego adds an internationally and highly experienced CVO to the Executive Board. It's about time to introduce her.

Sirka Hintze

Sirka is the second non-Dutch person on the Executive Board. A conscious choice: the board is a reflection of Vebego's international activities. Sirka brings over 20 years of financial experience. ‘I am at the age and have the opportunity to take another step in my career,’ she says. ‘I wanted to discover a completely different industry. Now I am starting a new adventure at Vebego.’

A role fitting for these times

Her most recent position was Sirka Group Chief Financial Officer at a logistics service provider. At Vebego, she holds the position of Chief Value Officer (CVO). ‘As a CVO, you don’t just look at financial value creation – we earn this as a company – but also at social value creation’, she explains. ‘You have an eye for financial, social, human and natural capital. And are responsible for the growth, optimisation and protection of value for all stakeholders – employees, clients and society. It’s a new role, which fitting for these times when employees, especially the younger generations, require their employers to look beyond profit and feel responsible for a better society. In order to gain insight and make forecasts, you also need non-financial impact data in addition to the traditional financial figures. Our CO2 footprint, for example. And things like absenteeism rates and client satisfaction. As CVO, I map all aspects of value creation, account for them to internal and external stakeholders and integrate them in the planning and forecasting, risk management and a broader decision-making process.’

East German life lessons

Sirka wanted to work as a CVO either way. Preferably in an industry new to her. There were several reasons that ended up being with Vebego. ‘My previous employers were also family businesses. I wasn’t consciously looking for that, but when I met the Goedmakers family, I immediately knew that this would be a good step. They take their role seriously and have set up Vebego professionally, and surround themselves with knowledgeable experts and advisers. The chemistry between them is fine. I also notice in conversations that everyone has a great sense of social responsibility. And what also appeals to me is that all kinds of cultures and internationality are welcome here. I was born in Stralsund, a city on the Baltic Sea. I grew up in East Germany and learnt early on how much one culture can differ from another. The German Reunification in 1989 also had a major impact on my life. I know what it’s like to integrate into a different culture. Moreover, people from the north of the former East Germany are more like the Dutch than people from former West Germany. We too are more direct and more open-minded. I can now use these characteristics, integral and broad thinking, to further grow Vebego!’