
Client feedback by Net Promoter Score

Vebego strives for long-term relationships with its clients, partners and suppliers. In order to continuously receive client feedback, we introduced the Net Promoter Score (NPS) in 2020 as a measurement method at our 100% companies. Almost all these companies are now using this method. The Belgian Altrio will start this form of client research in 2024. In 2022, the companies carried out various follow-up measurements. The methods vary from relational (‘What do you think of company x?’) to transactional (‘What did you think of experience x?’), depending on the needs and the specific business. The weighted average of all NPS scores across all companies within the group is +29. In 2021 this was +35. The results ranged from an NPS of +3 to +74; one of our companies in Switzerland scored +100, based on 9 respondents. The response rate averaged 31%.

The surveys clearly show that 49% of clients are a promoter. Most clients give us an 8 when asked whether they recommend us to others. The Vebego companies score well on problem-solving and personal contact. When we look at the negative feedback – 35% of respondents give an average negative score [grade 0 – 5]. We see improvement opportunities across the board, for example, in proactive working, handling complaints, the administrative process and thinking along with the client.

Largest risers on the NPS score:

  • NPS Hago Food & Industry (now part of Vebego Cleaning Services) from +27 to +50

Largest risers to the NPS response:

  • Balanz Facilitair (now Vebego Participation) from 40% to 55%

  • Stoffels Bleijenberg (now part of Vebego Cleaning Services) from 29% to 37%

The focus is now on further improvement of the studies. Vebego organises workshops with all companies to collectively exchange knowledge and resolve bottlenecks with each other. For example, increasing response by approaching clients personally (with client managers and object leaders), sending reminders and providing structural feedback to clients about the results of the study. And through actions to make NPS more alive throughout the organisation.

Thought market leadership gets form and content

Vebego is on its way to 11 companies. All of which are large in their kind and form strong brands. This position fits in with a natural role as ‘thought market leader’. In 2021, Vebego stated that such a mental market leader must be in the Top 3 of the market in which the company operates: in brand awareness and as a Great Place to Work, and in the area of client satisfaction and retention. This ambition was further refined in 2022 and was given colour and substance at the individual Vebego companies. Thanks in part to the proceeds of two pilot projects, at Swiss-based Vebego AG and major Dutch cleaning company in the making Vebego Cleaning Services.

Differences by market

An important lesson from 2022 is that thought market leadership varies greatly per market. The clean room cleaning market requires different leadership than the workplace or real estate market. It is therefore important to continue to think carefully in each Vebego company about which topic it wants to be the mental market leader in. Focus is also essential. Vebego companies must refine themes they want to profile themselves on in such a way that they can also use them. For example, ‘meaningful jobs’ is a great theme that fits seamlessly with Vebego’s mission, but it does require further elaboration. After all, other companies can also claim this theme, but then give it very different substance. Companies at Vebego can best translate a theme as meaningful jobs into something that suits them, such as inclusion or participation. Perhaps the most important finding from 2022 is that a ‘Top 3 position in the market’ for Vebego is not primarily about volume and turnover, but much more about the numbers of employees. This fits with the profile as an inclusive employer and as a provider of meaningful work.

B Corp certificate

In addition to brands such as Tony's Chocolonely and Triodos Bank, Vebego Participation (formerly Balanz Facilitair, now an initiative of Vebego Cleaning Services) has been known as a Benefit Corporation since 2022 - better known as B Corp. With this certification, we demonstrate the importance of pursuing value for people and the environment in addition to financial results. B-lab, the certifying body, assesses this using a strict verification process. The B Corp certificate is therefore a fantastic confirmation of Vebego Participation's mission to help as many people who are distanced from the labour market as possible to achieve meaningful work. This demonstrates that we meet the highest standards of social, sustainable performance and transparency. A clear example that it is possible to be commercially viable and have a positive impact.

Examples of innovation

Impression of the iCity concept in Basel

Move in Switzerland has developed the iCity concept. iCity is not only a building with all the associated services, but above all a way of thinking. Where innovation, collaboration and networking are stimulated and facilitated, iCity is part of the Basel Research & Development Campus, in the heart of Europe’s largest Life Sciences and Biotech cluster.

GIIO platform for Telecom provider KPN

Vebego Facility Solutions launched GIIO for our client KPN. GIIO is an integrated platform that connects multiple services and systems. The tool is very user-friendly and helps KPN create the ideal working environment for 9,000 employees. In addition, it ensures an optimal visitor experience, so that KPN’s guests feel genuinely welcome.

The Capacityd proposition has been further developed and looks at relieving the burden of the healthcare professional in a new way. The focus is on reducing the workload and increasing the healthcare professional's job satisfaction. ‘The results of the services are impressive.’ From the current pilots, we measure more job satisfaction, more time for patient and client-oriented tasks, cost savings and a safer working environment. Success comes from better cooperation within the chain and looking integrally at solution options.