Outlook 2023

We are in the middle of the largest organisational change in Vebego's history. Building a future-proof organisation – a process that will last until 2025 – requires particularly major investments. It is important to keep focus on the regular work for clients and the world around us as we work on large internal projects such as mergers, rebranding and ICT projects.

The biggest organisational change ever is taking place in an uncertain time. Unfortunately, after a year, the war in Ukraine is still not over. And firm inflation continues. Wage agreements are under pressure and customer contracts have to be opened up and renegotiated to recover some of the impact of cost increases.

These factors have an effect on Vebego's budget for the year 2023. The result for 2023 is expected to be significantly lower than for the 2022 financial year. In the preparations for 2023, various CLA negotiations within cleaning and landscaping had not yet been completed. The amount of the wage increases is therefore still uncertain, and therefore the required increase in turnover to finance this. We are also concerned about our staff. Due to the enormous rate of inflation (particularly energy costs), we are seeing problems arise for more and more employees. Financial uncertainty causes stress and can lead to dropout. We are particularly alert to this form of dropout and want to assist employees, where we can, with guidance and advice.

High dropout means higher spending on procurement. Quality employees in the labour market are scarce. The prices of self-employed persons or employment agencies are rising enormously. Our companies see rising personnel costs as one of the greatest risks for 2023. The turnover of staff, both on the shop floor and in support functions, is high; the retention of key players is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, we also expect to take advantage of opportunities in the current labour and sales market. As a powerful collective with one brand name recognisable to all, we can better win over employees and customers.

Within cleaning and landscaping in the Netherlands, and within cleaning in Germany, we will at least go full steam ahead with one big company. There is a strong new management team in these companies that has embraced the 2025 strategic vision and is deploying targeted follow-up actions on this. The management teams are supported by the members of the Executive Board; they focus on the long-term opportunities and risks and adjust at strategic level.

In 2023, we must respond quickly and adequately to the rapidly changing environment. This is necessary to be able to make the right decisions for the short and longer term, in the interest of Vebego and all stakeholders. The goal in 2023 is and remains that we can do even more 'Great Work' by and for our employees and customers!