Alpheios is Great Place To Work

To guarantee care and attention for our own employees, all our companies apply for the Great Place To Work certificate. Alpheios Netherlands and Alpheios Belgium have been officially named a Great Place to Work since 2022. 

Lauren Vogels

Lauren Vogels, HR representative at Alpheios, talks about this international standard for attractive employership. ‘We want our people to come to work and feel valued. This is only possible if we know the needs of our employees and whether they are satisfied. In 2022, we as Alpheios started the Great Place To Work study. Also to reflect on ourselves as an organisation and confirm our strategy focused on meaningful work. As part of the study, the employees completed an anonymised questionnaire. The assessment was positive. We obtained the certificate for Belgium and the Netherlands.’

Getting started with scores

According to Lauren, the power of Great Place To Work is that you can focus on points of action. ‘You can see very clearly where you score high and where you score less. With this knowledge, you can continue to improve your organisation and processes. With the results of the survey - aggregated results that ensure anonymity - our managers have engaged with their departments. What do you value most about Alpheios, what do you want to improve in the short term and in the long term, what quick wins do you see? Great Place To Work is used specifically to strengthen and broaden as a company. And to expand on that, the certificate is good for our image as an employer and helps us in the cooperation with clients and suppliers.’