
Accurate measurement and the end of the pandemic: an increase in CO2 emissions

In 2022, CO2 emissions increased compared to the year 2021. On the one hand, this is because the COVID pandemic was still in full swing in 2021, which had a positive effect on emissions. On the other hand, in 2022 we further improved the data quality (accuracy and completeness), resulting in a higher value for 2022.

CO2 emissions per category (in tonnes)





















Commercial Vehicles















Business travel





Air Traffic












1 in 2022, Vebego Facility Deutschland was not included in scope, this because in this year the focus was on the transition.


2 Fuel for vehicles and other equipment.




CO2 emissions per scope (in tonnes)



Scope 1


Scope 2


Scope 31




  • 1 Scope 3 includes commuting, business travel and air travel.

The emissions from cars and company cars combined have remained about the same compared to 2021. Here, the emissions from cars have decreased and from company cars have actually increased. This is because the data for 2022 also includes Belgium and Switzerland, where previously it was only from the Netherlands. The fuel consumption of vehicles and other equipment has increased, due to a more specific request for data. With this improved and more complete data, we can work more focussed towards the objective per category, because we have more insight into the effect of measures.

Create greater awareness

In 2022, kick-off workshops were given to the Vebego companies in all four countries. During this session, the companies were included in our impact strategy, the why of the strategic CO2 neutral programme, the importance of data quality and the three scopes with the various CO2 emission sources. Moreover, the companies have been provided with tools for drawing up a reduction roadmap, whereby the milestones of the Vebego Group roadmap form the basis.

Vebego roadmap towards CO2 neutrality in 2030

In 2022, the CO2 emissions of the Vebego fleet over 2021 were offset by investments via Groen Balans in a windmill project in India. The Verified Carbon Standard certificates of this project have been verified by Verra

Financial health of employees

Vebego has cooperated with fourteen other Dutch companies in the establishment of the National Coalition for Financial Health. In this partnership, we join forces with companies and organisations that like us are committed to the financial health of their employees. With the main objective that by 2030, 50% fewer employees will be financially vulnerable or financially unhealthy. Queen Máxima officially launched the National Coalition for Financial Health in Amsterdam on 29 November 2022.

Queen Máxima launches National Coalition

Vebego has committed to engagement in the leadership of the coalition (participation in meetings with other directors twice a year) and makes a financial contribution for the execution of activities in 2023. We will also implement a basic set of interventions in 2023. For example, as a company, we will measure the financial health of our employees annually, starting with a baseline measurement in 2023.

Budget coaching

Money concerns do not fit with meaningful work. That is why Vebego has been working with the Budget Coach Group in the Netherlands for a number of years. Employees can contact the telephone helpdesk free of charge and anonymously with their money questions. If a budget coach pathway is required, we will reimburse that as an employer.

Pilot to identify hidden poverty

Stichting Anders is a foundation that is committed to vulnerable people who have a (practical) request for help. The foundation challenges entrepreneurs to make their producers, services and talents available to those in society who need it the most. In 2022, Vebego entered into cooperation with Stichting Anders for a pilot of the Welverdiend [Well-earned] project. The pilot focuses on our own employees who, despite working, have money concerns. The pilot will initially be rolled out at Vebego Cleaning Services and Vebego Participation in Rotterdam, at Ahoy and the Ministry of Defence. As part of the pilot, we conducted a baseline measurement through short telephone interviews with HR, team leaders and some employees. This gave us insight into possible hidden poverty and the help that can be considered. Through conversation training, team leaders and foremen from Vebego Cleaning Services and Vebego Participation have learnt how to recognise hidden poverty and how to enter into a conversation about this with their immediate colleagues. The pilot was driven by a campaign; employees were informed via various channels about the possibilities Vebego offers in case of money concerns and other financial questions. In addition to Stichting Anders, these are also the Budget Coach Group (see also above), Geldfit and Sam& (via Vebego Foundation).

Donation for children in Ukraine

With a donation to SOS Kinderdorpen [Children's Villages], the Vebego Foundation and Vebego ensure that more than 1,000 children in Ukraine are provided with their basic needs, such as food, drinks and necessary medication. SOS Kinderdorpen can also provide shelter and psychosocial assistance to children with this donation. If it is possible to evacuate them, SOS Kinderdorpen provides transportation to the surrounding countries. And prepares the children’s villages and programmes for reception of the evacuated children and their caregivers. It is expected that the displaced children and their carers will spend a long time in their shelters. This support gives children the care and love they need so much.

Window foil project to save energy

In 2021, Hago Zorg decided to offer a window foil package to all employees. The main reason being that with window foil, people can save significantly on their energy bills. This successful project was further rolled out in 2022 at other Dutch Vebego companies. All direct employees could receive a package of window foil if they wanted one. The Vattenfall Foundation donated 400 packages of window foil to Vebego and also acted as a mediator with the supplier of the window foil. Ultimately, 1,965 extra packages of window foil were purchased and sent to (immediate) employees. A remainder of the packages went to the Vebego Foundation, which distributes them to families who benefit from this.

To give you the numbers:

  • 2,365 packages of window foil handed out

  • 8,625 m2 of window insulated

  • 112,125m3 of gas saved

  • 200 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided (CO2 emission per m3 of gas is approximately 1.8 kg)