Our Management

To be able to make more impact as Vebego companies, we made plans in 2019 to organise Vebego more robustly. Not only at company level, but also at Vebego Group level. Since 2021, the Board of Directors has consisted of Ton Goedmakers (CEO) and Ronald Goedmakers. Together with the members of the Executive Board, they manage the company on a day-to-day basis. In 2022, we implemented the intended changes to the Executive Board. With the new composition, we consciously sought more diversity, in particular a more proportionate male/female distribution in the Board.

Giuseppe Santagada, Niel Cortenraad, Sirka Hintze, Ton Goedmakers, Poléanne Vluggen, Mark van Haasteren, Ronald Goedmakers

As of 1 September 2022, Poléanne Vluggen joined as new CPCO (Chief People & Culture Officer). She succeeds Peter van Montfort in that role. Poléanne has extensive international experience in change management in the areas of culture, structure and leadership. As CPCO, she focuses on developing the culture and further building meaningful work so that our employees can strengthen their social position. In addition to a new CPCO, the Executive Board has been strengthened with a new Chief Value Officer (CVO): the German Sirka Hintze. She joined as of 1 February 2023 and has extensive financial experience in banking, transport and logistics. Vebego consciously opts for a CVO instead of the usual CFO. This expresses a broader view of performance and results – more than just financial. This development is in line with Vebego's ambitions. After all, creating value for clients, employees and society is central to us. The Chief Value Officer will be responsible for the growth, optimisation and protection of value for all our stakeholders. The search for a new CVO took a little longer. During this period, Ronald Goedmakers took on the tasks in question, for which we are grateful.

With the arrival of Poléanne and Sirka, all roles on the Executive Board have been filled. In addition to the CPCO and the CVO, the Executive Board consists of a Chief Operating Officer (COO) for the Netherlands and Belgium (Mark van Haasteren), a COO for Germany and Switzerland (Giuseppe Santagada) and a Chief Strategy Officer (Niel Cortenraad).

Designing our Future

For the third consecutive year, a lot of administrative attention was paid to the Designing our Future (DoF) process. In particular, we followed the merger into Vebego Cleaning Services Nederland with great interest, as well as the integration of hectas and Servico in Germany. As a Board, we express out appreciation for the big steps taken in the businesses to create 11 robust organisations. This concerns organisational changes, but also changes to processes, systems and functions. Many vacancies in management teams have been filled, both by attracting new talent and by offering own employees a new challenge. The intentional pursuit of more diversity at the management level can be seen, especially in the Dutch companies, in the composition of the various management teams.

We also took steps in the management and monitoring of the companies in 2022. Each quarter, the companies report to the Executive Board. We combine the formal discussions with an informal contact moment, so that these so-called Q-meetings are valuable for all parties involved. In 2023, we will continue to do this in a structured manner. To that end, we will prepare a KPI dashboard with both financial and non-financial KPIs. We will also monitor the progress that companies make in the areas of Great Place to Work, Ecovadis and NPS during these Q-meetings.

To have room for acquisitions in the future too, Vebego has increased its financing scope with a credit agreement and a so-called 'accordion arrangement'. At the same time, we reviewed the financing policy again.

Change to top-level corporate structure

In September 2022, we changed the statutory name of Vebego B.V. to Vebego Group B.V. and that of Vebego International B.V. to Vebego B.V. These entities act under the name Vebego Group or Vebego. This change ensures a better alignment with the strategy and the new organisation and has been communicated as part of the group-wide rebranding.   The dissolution of Vebego Holding N.V. takes place after approval of the 2022 financial statement. Until then, the Supervisory Board has authority for two entities (Vebego B.V. and Vebego Holding N.V.).

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is a sounding board and advisor to the Board of Directors. The Supervisory Board also integrally supervises the policies of the Board of Directors and the general course of business. The composition of the Supervisory Board remained unchanged in FY2022. The Board consists of five individuals (two women, three men): Pamela Boumeester (Chairperson), Loes van Rijsoort Willem Cramer, Ton Goedmakers Sr and Jan van Hoek.

Loes van Rijsoort, Jan van Hoek, Ton Goedmakers sr, Willem Cramer and Pamela Boumeester

As of 1 July 2023, Pamela Boumeester will step down as Chair and member of the Supervisory Board of Vebego Group. She will then have served as chair of the Council for more than four years. The procedure to find Pamela’s successor has now been started.

This overview contains the personal details of the Supervisory Board members.

For the composition of the Supervisory Board, we look at individual experience and expertise, but also at the competence of the Board as a whole. The goal is to have a heterogeneous, complementary team in which the members complement and reinforce each other, but also provide each other with sufficient counterbalance and sharpness. In addition to individual requirements, for future vacancies Vebego will also take diversity within the Board into account. For the family supervisory director, the maximum of two four-year terms does not apply.

The corporate governance policy, as stated in the Vebego & Good Governance code, has been satisfied over the year.

Was signed

Board of Directors

Ton Goedmakers, CEO

Ronald Goedmakers

Voerendaal, 15 May 2023