

Partly due to healthy organic growth and the largest acquisition in Vebego's history (the purchase of hectas), turnover has increased to a record high of €1,371 million. In 2021, this was €1,052 million. An increase of 30.3%. The majority interest that Vebego has now acquired in PMC Holding has also contributed to the increase in turnover.

 COVID in particular still had an effect on Vebego's figures in the first two months of the year. By mid-March 2022, all measures were lifted and the Vebego companies gradually switched back to their regular business. As the pandemic came to an end, there was another crisis that demanded our attention, the war in Ukraine. In the course of 2022, this war caused such high inflation that many Vebego companies had to increase their prices in the meantime to partially offset the effects of this cost increase. This price increase has had an impact on Vebego's figures, both in terms of turnover and in terms of cost level.    Especially our companies in the temp agency sector, particularly in the second half of the year, have benefited from the enormous shortage in the European labour market. The same high demand for staff has put extra pressure on turnover and costs at other Vebego companies, because it was increasingly difficult to meet the (initial and extra) demands of clients.


Turnover in Belgium increased to €178 million (2021: €176 million). A relatively slight increase directly related to the sale of service voucher companies in 2021. The turnover in 2021 of these companies was €11 million. The sale is fully in line with Vebego's strategy; the activities do not fit well within the two companies that we want to form in Belgium in healthcare and in facility services. The organic growth of the other companies was very positive: €13 million. Reflex Healthcare People in particular showed a clear performance improvement in 2022, with an increase of 27% (€3.4 million).    The turnover in Belgium accounts for 13% (2021: 17%) of Vebego's turnover. As in the Netherlands and Switzerland, this percentage relatively decreased compared to 2021 due to the acquisition of hectas in Duitsland.


The acquisition of hectas and a fine organic growth (+26%) resulted in a turnover in Germany of €297 million (2021: €92 million). That is 22% (2021: 9%) of Vebego's total turnover. This made Germany (which also includes hectas Austria with €19 million) the second country in terms of turnover where Vebego carries out its activities. Vebego has become a top 20 player in the German facility industry. Our temp agency in Germany also experienced a significant increase in turnover in 2022. The company has been able to take advantage of the huge demand for staff across all sectors.

The Netherlands

In the Netherlands, the turnover of all activities amounted to €632 million (2021: €551 million). Vebego Facility Solutions (formerly Yask) demonstrated a turnover increase of 13% and will move towards the €100 million mark in 2022. The companies in cleaning, landscaping and healthcare were able to record more turnover than last year. The cleaning business in particular excelled with a growth of 11.8%. Alpheios, our Products & Systems segment company, experienced a decline in sales compared to 2021, as additional pandemic revenue was not achieved this year. The Dutch activities account for approximately 46% (2021: 52%) of Vebego's total turnover.


In Switzerland, the turnover increased to €264 million (2021: €234 million). Not only the companies in facility services, but also the companies in Real Estate and - in particular - Health Care were able to record a higher turnover than in 2021. Due to investments in the organisation, the increase in turnover did not lead to an improvement in profit in 2022. Switzerland has a share of 19% (2021: 22%) in Vebego's turnover.