Strategic Leadership Team
Over the years, our leadership has been changed according to the phase our company is in. As an internationally operating family company, it is important to keep the governance of the company up-to-date and future-proof.

Markus Breithaupt, Sirka Hintze, Mark van Haasteren, Poléanne Vluggen, Ton Goedmakers
In recent years, Vebego’s governance has been under development. This will continue to be the case in the future, given the fact that our company continues to develop. When Ton Goedmakers was appointed CEO in 2021, the Board of Directors consisted of Ton, along with his uncle, Ronald. As Ronald has left the Board as of the 1st of February 2024, preparing this next phase was an important topic in 2023. In this process especially, the Supervisory Board and the STAK fulfilled an intensive role. The outcome was to build a strong, broader, Board of Directors as of 2024. Besides the Board of Directors, a Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) was created as Vebego Group's top management structure. As of 2024, the SLT currently consists of the following positions and persons:
Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Ton Goedmakers
Chief Operations Officer (COO) BE|NL: Mark van Haasteren
Chief Operations Officer (COO) DACH: Markus Breithaupt
Chief People and Culture Officer (CPCO): Poléanne Vluggen
Chief Value Officer (CVO): Sirka Hintze
This means that the role of Chief Strategy Officer, which was introduced in 2019, ceased to exist. Therefore, Niel Cortenraad has decided to leave the company after a long career at Vebego. Giuseppe Santagada also decided to leave our company. We are very happy that Markus Breithaupt, formerly CEO of Vebego Facility Services in Germany, has agreed to succeed Giuseppe as COO DACH from the 1st of January 2024.
From 2024, the BoD formally consists of the CEO, CPCO, CVO and COO NL|BE. They are statutory directors, which means they represent Vebego Group as a legal entity and can formally make decisions on behalf of the company. In practice, however, little is decided by just the BoD, as most of the decision-making takes place within the broader setting of the SLT. As it fits our family company, this pragmatic approach prevails over the formal structure.