
The impact of high inflation, the continuing movement in the labour market (particularly tightness) and the duration of the war in Ukraine are the main factors affecting our strategic and operational risks. The impact on Vebego depends on the one hand, on isolated factors and on the other, on factors that are interrelated and mutually reinforcing. For now, we see no reasons to adjust our system of internal risk management in 2024. We will, however, be forming an audit committee, consisting of two members of the Supervisory Board, our Chief Value Officer and our Director Risk & Compliance. This committee will help Vebego to identify group risks. It is impractical to determine now the consequences of risks that may occur in the future but which are not or insufficiently covered in our current risk management. Vebego has shown in the past that it is resilient in this regard and able to adapt the organisation where necessary to rapidly changing circumstances. The companies are able to anticipate changes quickly. Vebego is and remains a strong and solid family company that is conservatively financed and can take a bump or two.

Our external audit of the financial statements is carried out by Deloitte.

My Report