The SLT: our Strategic Architect

According to our pragmatic approach, topics are mostly discussed in the broader Strategic Leadership Team. In relation to the subsidiaries of Vebego, the SLT positions itself as a Strategic Architect: it inspires and enables the companies to be a market leader. There is a focus on three key areas:

  • providing a strategic and financial framework to ensure continuity;

  • strengthen the culture, impact and the Vebego brand;

  • stimulate and maintain entrepreneurship in our companies.

Designing our Future

In 2023 we continued our path towards a future-proof collective of companies. Various Belgian companies were merged into one company. It will be named Vebego Cleaning & Services and launched under the new Vebego brand in January 2025. Furthermore, it was decided, after a thorough process, not to merge Assist and Hago Zorg. Although both companies are active in the Dutch health market, their activities are too different and come out better in separate companies. Early 2024, the family-owned landscaping company of Hoek Hoveniers was acquired; they will be integrated into Vebego Groen. This brings new opportunities, geographically and portfolio-wise, and is the next step for Vebego Groen in becoming a market leader.

Behind the scenes of our companies, there was a lot of improvement in processes, systems and structures. We further strengthened the management teams of our companies. Moreover, the world turned a little bit more purple, as in 2023 several companies started using the Vebego brand.

In becoming a future-proof collective of companies, further steps were taken in monitoring our strategic goals and objectives. Vebego Group, as a Strategic Architect, wants to steer unambiguously and safeguard the realisation of strategy. Therefore, we are creating insight into the performance of what matters most to us (see: the Value Creation Dashboard). So that we can focus and align our organisation accordingly. This will help us to do the right things together and strengthen the power of the collective.

Another important step is the creation of an IT Advisory Board on group-level. Led by the CVO, this board alignment takes place on IT infrastructure. Group-wide IT policies and decisions regarding IT facilities are prepared.

Beliefs & Behaviours

In 2023 workshops were held throughout the whole organisation, leading to a renewed, broadly supported Vebego story, in combination with the Beliefs & Behaviours of Vebego. This enables us to give words to the beautiful DNA of our organisation and to tell our stories to each other and the outside world. In 2024, the Story and the Behaviours will be translated into (P&C) instruments in the strategic core companies.

My Report