How Mohammed tackled his debts...
Every day, our colleagues leave a lasting impression. On the world, our customers and on each other. It makes for a lot of stories. Stories that have never before seen the light of day. It’s time to share them with the world. This time: for years, the bills piled up for cleaner Mohammed. Fortunately, he had the courage to discuss his debts and received the help he needed through Vebego.
Although I really enjoy doing my job, that is not the most important thing for me. For me, work is mainly about income for my family. My girlfriend and I have a blended household with three children. When we got together, we were both in debt. At the time we thought we could solve it ourselves, but ultimately we paid bills with money that was already intended for a creditor. We were up to our necks in debt.
Asking for a helping hand
One Monday morning, I walked into the staff room before my shift. A poster immediately caught my eye. In large letters it stated: ‘Need help? A confidential adviser is only a phone call away.’ The poster brought my morning to a standstill. I found myself staring at the poster for a long time. It moved me. The day before, my son asked if he could also join the football team, just like his friends. It broke my heart to have to say that he couldn’t do this because we didn’t have the money. I felt ashamed, and that held me back from asking for help for a long time. But at that moment, while I was looking at that poster, something clicked. I grabbed my phone and took the plunge. Not long after that, someone came to our home to look at our income and expenses. We finally tackled the problem
Breaking the taboo
I am now well on my way to a debt-free life, and I am glad I put my shame aside. It's not a story I like to shout from the rooftops, but by telling it anyway I hope that other colleagues will find the strength to also knock on Vebego’s door. Without this option, I might not have asked for help until it was actually too late. I feel good and seen at Vebego. I noticed that – just like with a family – I can always turn to them with problems. It would be great if all employers offered this. As there are so many people in debt, more than you probably think. With this support, you not only help your employees, but also society.