Frederico DJ Schoonmaker

How Frederico found his stage at Vebego...

Every day, our colleagues leave a lasting impression. On the world, our customers and on each other. It makes for a lot of stories. Stories that have never seen the light of day. It’s time to share them with the world. This time: Frederico talks about his double role. When he started working as a cleaner for Vebego in 2020, he also started spinning records as a hobby. When the opportunity to merge the two worlds arose, he immediately jumped at the chance.

I believe good energy will always lead you to the right places. In my life, it led to Vebego. With my heart beating for everything music-related, I left Brazil. My home country. When I came to beautiful and lovely Holland 10 years ago, I missed the vibrant, energy-packed life of dancing and having fun every day. I was determined to give that energy I still had in me a place here in this country, every day. That’s why I started to DJ in my spare time in 2020. In the same year, feeling both anxious and pumped, I started working for Vebego as a cleaner. A place where I immediately felt at home, and where people really look out for each other. And it was precisely this fact that one day presented me with a great opportunity to join my two worlds.

Opportunity of a lifetime

It was a Tuesday afternoon. My shift at Vebego headquarters was nearing its end. I was getting my mop ready while one of the directors walked around the corner behind me. ‘Hey Frederico, nice going man! How are you doing?’ We started talking and I told him about my weekend. About my little boy at home, about the cold weather and about a friend’s party where I got to DJ. It hit me then that no one at Vebego knew about my passion for music. He took a step back and looked at me with admiration: ‘You are spinning tunes?’ I chuckled and excitedly showed him some videos where I was gleaming behind a turntable. At the end of our chat, he asked that unexpected question that I am still grateful for today: ‘Hey man, how about playing some music for us at our next event?’


This is how my dream came true on 28 February 2024. I got to play music at the workplace where I feel completely at home. I was well aware of that. That night I reflected on how I got here. It hadn’t always been easy. Anything but, even. 10 years ago, I came to Holland with nothing but the clothes on my back. Nevertheless, Vebego saw my potential. They have given me opportunities that have allowed me to continue to grow. Look at me, surrounded by clean-cut executives, in a beautiful office I know inside out. 3 years ago, when I started, I felt like just another cleaner. But Vebego quickly made me feel much bigger. I am a human being and I certainly have something to offer Holland. I learned the hard way that nothing is forever, but with Vebego I want to stay forever.

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